Unleash Your Chi Energy by Using Yin/Yang Polarity Balancing

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Managing and Using Chi Energy
Stub only: Breathe for Energy and Peace
Stub only: Healing
Stub only: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Stub only: Energize and Use Your Chakras
Stub only: Change Your Consciousness While Active
Stub only: Best if Practiced Many Times

Exercise Details

Duration = 3 minutes.
Difficulty = 20/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. As a regular practice to give you a sense of well being by balancing your mental, physical, and emotional energy, and washing away tension and upset.
  2. Informally throughout the day for healing a virus or flu, calming and energizing yourself in a tense situation, preparing for a situation where you must perform at your best, or getting ready to send healing energy to another person.
  3. Regularly to develop psychic abilities by washing out blocks to intuition.
Image courtesy of: h.koppdelaney / Hartwig HKD || Original Image || Flickr Profile || H.Kopp-Delaney Website